The Dinner Plate of Stamford, NY 12167

Takeout Menu for July to August:

~ **** Dart League forming **** ~
Come down and sign up!! we are thinking about starting a Practice on Wednesday Nights around 6pm ..Just For Fun for adults !! We will have a Sign up Sheet Starting This Week See The Bartender for Details

~ ***** The Bar is now open at 3pm ***** ~

~ The Mountain Eagle ~
Help Support the Mountain Eagle Newspaper. We advertise every week with them. In order to support anther small town Business...To Subscribe Contact Matt...At 518 763 6854. Leave a message and he will get back to you. Thanks In advance. The Dinner Plate

~ Quick draw and Lottery Terminal Is In The works. ~

The Dinner Plate of Stamford
36 Main Street, Stamford, NY

See Our Menu

Wednesday ~ 3pm-9pm
Thursday ~ 3pm-9pm
Friday ~ 3pm-9pm
Saturday ~ 3pm-9pm
Sunday ~ 3-7pm
Mon-Tue ~ Closed
Reservations Suggested

Now serving pizza, Thursday through Sunday